Clan Rollo
Welcome to our Scottish Clan Rollo Site. Our branch of the Rollo family is centered in Southern California. Please look around and we hope you enjoy your visit!
Clan Rollo News
October 10th, 2022
Now that world is opening up, and Scottish festivals are retuning, Clan Rollo attended the 18th Seaside Games on October 8th -9th in Ventura, California this year. This was the first games we attended in over two years, and it was awesome to connect with family and friends old and new - notably the west-coast crew from Fraser of Lovat. We plan on attending next year's Seaside Games, so we hope to see you there!
May 29th, 2022
The Clan Gatherings are held every 5 years at Pitcairns House, Dunning. The Rollo Clan Gathering in Scotland, postponed in 2020 and again in 2021 - will place at Pitcairns, Dunning on Saturday 27th August starting at 12 noon. There will be lunch and a number of events, including, we hope, a bird of prey demonstration, children's activities and a tour of the paintings in the house. Of course, many of us are looking forward to catching up with news of each other after such a long time. Please contact clanrollo1066 at for tickets or more information.
May 4th, 2020
Clan Rollo will be attending the Seaside Games on October 10th -11th in Ventura, California this year. Come join us for the festivities, and learn more at . We hope to see you there!
Clan Association Newsletters
April 2007
December 2006
Rollo Clan Links
Rollo Family @ Duncrub Holidays
Clan Badge
A stag's head couped proper
Clan Motto
La Fortune Passe Partout
"Fortune is the Key" or
"Fortune in All Things"
Older News
June 20, 2017
Clan Rollo will once again be attending the Seaside Games on October 13th -14 in Ventura, California this year. Come join us for the festivities!
May 30th, 2015
This is a reminder that the five-yearly Gathering of the Rollo Clan Association will be held at Pitcairns, Dunning on Saturday 29th August 2015 from 12 to 4pm. All members of the Association are invited. The afternoon is free of charge, but raffle tickets will be on sale and we hope everyone will buy some. There will be lunch, some entertainment and, of course, lots of catching up and chat.
October 2, 2014
Clan Rollo will once again be attending the Seaside Games on October 11th -12th in Ventura, California this year. We hope to see you there!
September 23 , 2011
Clan Rollo will be attending the Seaside Games in Ventura, California this year. We will have some Rollo Crest T-Shirts for sale ($10 each) and plenty of scotch to share! We hope to see you there!
October 13 , 2009
Clan Rollo was in attendance at the 2009 Seaside Games in Ventura, California. We had a great time visiting with friends both old and new. We also now have some Clan Rollo T-shirts available as well. Initial plans are underway for attending games in 2010 so please check back soon!
July 9 , 2009
I hope everyone's fourth of July weekend was fun. We will be visiting the the Monterey Games in August.Clan Rollo will also attend the 2009 Seaside Games in Ventura, California. We should have some Clan Rollo T-shirts available as well.
April 26 , 2009
Clan Rollo plans to attend the 2009 Seaside Games in Ventura, California. I am also hoping to make it to the Monterey Games in August.
December 23 , 2008
Happy Holidays to all from Clan Rollo!
October 20, 2008
The 2008 Seaside Games were a success. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing many old and some new friends at the games.
August 13, 2008
Preparations are underway for the Seaside Games in Ventura, California. We hope to see you there!
January 23, 2008
I wanted to let everyone know that Clan Rollo will be represented at the following western US highland games events this year:
May 17th, 2008
Prescott Highland Games, Prescott, Arizona
October 11th and 12th, 2008
Seaside Highland Games, Ventura, California
If you can make it to one of these games we would love to meet you =) Please look for the Clan Rollo tent!
October 17, 2007
The 2007 Seaside Games in Ventura CA have come and gone. Many Rollo family members, relatives and friends came from all over to join us for a fun time! Next up are the Prescott games in Arizona on May 17th 2008.
July 16, 2007
The Prescott and Monterey events were great fun. We managed to meet many representatives of other clans and forged new friendships (not to mention sampled some great scotch whiskies). Check back soon for photos of the events, and we hope to see you in Ventura in October!